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According to the Daily Mail, David Mach spends up to three months making gorillas, polar bears and rhinos, which sell for between £20,000 and £35,000 each.
Combining an array of matchsticks with different coloured tips, the 52-year-old is able to immortalise the animals in incredible detail complete with antlers, horns and teeth.
His 15-inch high gorilla - with flared nostrils and a fierce open mouth - required 30,000 matches and took three months as each match was painstakingly glued onto a mould.
The Scot, who works from a studio in London, recreates the animals' features and different skin shades using 14 different coloured matchsticks imported from Japan.
He said: "I like to make figures that are instantly recognisable and make people take notice.
"The animals are a joy and a challenge to make because they have difficult features such as antlers and horns."
He once crafted a 12ft-high sculpture of a gorilla out of coat-hangers which sold for £200,000.
Other works include a public sculpture depicting an LNER Class A4 steam engine made from 185,000 bricks on the A66 near Darlington, County Durham.
He has created more than 350 sculptures since 1982 and in 1988 was nominated for the Turner Prize.
In 2000 he joined the Royal Academy of Arts as Professor of Sculpture.
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