One clip shows Michael Setzer, 32, putting food up his nose and sneezing on other items while Kristy Hammonds, 31, laughs, while another shows him wiping his bottom with a kitchen sponge, The Consumerist reports.
The two were charged with distributing prohibited foods.
On Tuesday morning Kristy apologized to the company in an e-mail message saying: "Michael never would do that to any customer, EVER!! I AM SOO SORRY!
"This prank was very very immature and I am sorry for the embarrassment that I have caused your company!"
Still, Domino’s fired the two employees, and they were in the custody of the Conover police department on Wednesday evening.
"We got blindsided by two idiots with a video camera and an awful idea," said Domino's executive Tim McIntyre, who added that the company was preparing a civil lawsuit.
"Even people who’ve been with us as loyal customers for 10, 15, 20 years, people are second-guessing their relationship with Domino’s, and that’s not fair."
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Other video stuff to read:
The thought of food preparers doing something nasty and unsanitary to food is very unsettling.
hahaha they put their stupid faces on video messing with people's food and expected to keep their jobs??
Well, Idiot Fame has taken over YouTube, evidently.
Also, I really like your EntreCard widget banner and would like to know who or how you did that, graffiti-style.
Cool beans!
@Paotie: I used a software called LogoCreator
i uses to work at dell taco and ive seen guys put a couple of pubic hairs in the burritos/tacos of customers
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