But what you'll see here is a fake trailer for Thundercats movie made by cutting together footage from masterpieces such as The Chronicles Of Riddick, Troy, X-Men 2, Spy Kids and Farscape.
The movie featuring:
- Brad Pitt as Lion-O
- Vin Diesel as Panthro
- Gigi Edgley as Cheetara
- Hugh Jackman as Tygra
Since Thundercats was a popular '80s cartoon, making a live action trailer for a live action Thundercats movie would be very hard to do.
The San Francisco based Wormy TV took over a year to take clips from old movies, edit them in Adobe Premiere, and add special effect via Photoshop.
The biggest effect is in taking several movie stars and turning them into manimals, by just putting CGI makeup on them during clips of their old films.
If you’re not familiar with Thundercats, you could check out the real intro here.
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oh wow. there's really gonna be a cgi version of it? i can't wait! i love thundercats